
Showing posts from June, 2020

Sunday Sermon & Worship - June 14, 2020

We welcome you to join us in worship this week!   Please enjoy these songs of encouragement provided by our praise team, along with some scripture readings and Pastor Darrell's second sermon in his series on overcoming adversity, titled "Wounds to Wisdom."  We hope and pray that the Lord will speak to you through our online content.  Blessings to you all! Worship Music: Sermon:  "Wounds to Wisdom" Exodus 15:26 Pastor Darrell Hobbs CLICK HERE  to read the entire passage (Exodus 15:22-27) You can give your tithes and offerings on our  church website Thank you for joining us for worship this week!

One At A Time

 From Christy Smith: I recently went to Sunset Beach with my daughter, Leah. It was a wonderful time spent together at Leah's favorite place in the world. She loves everything about the beach and the ocean, and plans to study marine biology in college. As we were walking along the shore, Leah became very aware of the marine life scattered on the sand by the low tide. She decided it was her mission to rescue those creatures "left behind" by returning them to the sea. One by one, whether it be tiny barnacles clinging to driftwood or unique blue button jellyfish, she carefully scooped them up, waded out a good distance and put them back in the water. Each animal she found was valued and cared for, no matter how small. The shoreline stretched for miles, but Leah only concentrated on helping one at a time. Each of us has the capability of making a difference in someone's life with the help of Jesus Christ. He calls us to a life of helping others but many of u

Sunday Sermon & Worship - June 7, 2020

Please join us in worship!   This week you should notice a great improvement in the audio quality of our music.  We have updated our recording equipment, and our praise team is excited to share this week's worship video with you.  May it be a reminder that Jesus is our friend in all circumstances, and that He upholds His promise to never leave nor forsake us.  We want to say a special thank you to our praise team, and especially to Jeff Templeton for the audio and video recording, and to Klay Anderson for providing words for our singers. We also encourage you to listen to Pastor Darrell's very timely sermon on overcoming adversity.  We hope and pray that you will continue to be blessed by our online worship content, and we look forward to the day that we can worship safely together in person. Worship Music: Sermon:  "Overcoming Adversity" Matthew 19:26 Pastor Darrell Hobbs CLICK HERE to read the entire chapter. You can give your tithes and