Christmas Eve, 1968

From Robert McKethan:
"Earlier this week, I was reading and contemplating a devotion about Psalm 8.   The third verse describes God’s construction of the universe, “When I consider the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place…”  As, I read this verse, I was taken back to Christmas Eve, 1968.  On that date, American astronauts circled the moon for the first time.  Each of the three astronauts took turns reading from the first chapter of Genesis.  They also captured this iconic image, the earthrise above the moon’s horizon.  My thoughts then and now are:  Our creation did not occur as a result of some “big bang” event billions and billions of years ago.   Our God created the universe out of nothing…in six days.  Our God is a God of incomprehensibly awesome power and imagination.
As you look at the earthrise image, read Genesis 1and Psalm 8.  I also encourage you to listen to the hymn, How Great Thou Art."  


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