Take Heart!

From Christy Smith:

This sight stopped me in my tracks, Greenway Family. I had just turned into Bradford Park to take a birthday gift to a friend and saw this...a beautiful purple cloth draped over a makeshift cross. The sky was grey and cloudy, a bleak day of drizzling rain. And yet, in spite of the dreariness, there was a cross draped in the glorious color of the King. A cross to remind us of this powerful truth: Jesus is ALIVE and He gives us HOPE! In these uncertain times, I am thankful that the Bible reassures us that God is in control and already has the ultimate victory. 

How has God given you His hope and encouraged your heart during this season? I would love to hear your testimonies on the ways He has been at work in your life. Our Father is worthy of praise!

Christy Smith

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

John 6:33


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