Holy Saturday

Some great reflections from Lynn Beebe on the lesser-known day of Holy Week: Holy Saturday, observed the day before Easter.

"Today I am pondering what happened on the day after Jesus’ death on the cross. His followers didn’t have the benefit of scripture to let them know that He would rise the next day. (He had told them, but they didn’t understand.) They were in hiding, scattered, afraid, sorrowful, and disillusioned. They must have been deeply hurt by the horror of seeing Jesus crucified. They surely felt the loss that we feel when a close loved one dies. The women were going to anoint His body the next morning; they weren’t expecting Him to live again. They must have contemplated what life would be like without Him. How despondent and broken they must have felt on this day. Thank You, God, that we never have to experience a world without Jesus!"


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